Partnering with project 1907


On the basis of common goals and initiatives, VAFF’s Elimin8hate campaign has partnered with project 1907, with the aim of creating a centralized racism reporting centre. Our partnership strives to summarize and communicate the rising trend of anti-Asian (or perceived Asian) racism. By compiling individual reports of racist incidents, collected by both Elimin8hate and by project 1907, we hope to develop strategies, design interventions, raise awareness, advocate for policies, and improve our communities. Elimin8hate and project 1907 are united in our dual encouragement of the “Asian voice”; where in the past obligations of self-identifying as a model minority have prevented Asians from reporting racist incidents, we now offer a unified reporting platform, relevant especially now that COVID-19 and political tensions have caused spikes in anti-Asian sentiment. 

project 1907 draws its name from the anti-immigration rallies of the year 1907, during which Vancouver’s Chinatown and Japantown were the target of brutal violence and vandalism, and Anti-Asian riots endeavoured to drive Asian immigrants out of Canada. Following the riots, Canada passed the first Opium Act, rebranding Chinese-Canadians as a threat and intrusion. Although anti-immigration sentiments have eased with time, discrimination against Asians still permeates Canadian culture. Project 1907 aims to “break cycles of racism and discrimination and create space for healing by recognizing, reclaiming and reframing our histories.” 

Elimin8hate and project 1907 stand by the very same values. Our multi-media format is capable of documenting and transforming collected COVID-19-related racist attacks, collected by us and by project 1907, against Canadians of Asian heritage, into a platform which inspires Asians to speak up, and therefore inspiring change.

Author: Joyce Z. / Editor: Angela Leung

Mona Stilwell